There are many opportunities to get involved in Ministry at St. Thomas’. Below is a list of some of the ministry opportunities here. We will be filling in descriptions of each with ways that you can get more involved, so check back often!
For more information you can contact the office at St. Thomas’ by email or call 207-236-3680.
Altar Guild
Acolyte Guild
All Souls’ Garden
Bible Study
Buildings and Grounds
Christian Formation
Education for Ministry
Lay Eucharistic Ministers – The L.E.M. at the 8 a.m. service enacts multiple roles… acting as crucifer, chalice bearer, and acolyte…one is actively engaged in all parts of the service.
At the 10 a.m. service, the role of the L.E.M. is much simpler, administering the wine chalice to communicants, who either choose to intinct, or take the consecrated wine by mouth..
One is expected to arrive early to dress in cassock and cotter [provided in the sacristy] and to sit near the altar attentive to the order of the service.
There is a license issued from the Diocese of Maine for those seeking to serve in this way, this is a simple formality and easily obtained if you are interested in trying this ministry.
Training is provided and we could use new Eucharistic ministers at both the early and family service.
Eucharistic Visitors
Finance and Endowment
Flower Guild
Lectors – One of the many joys of our liturgy is the wide range of Scripture that we hear. The Clergy once did all such readings on days when Holy Communion was celebrated. For several decades, however, laypeople have been entrusted with the ministry of serving as Lectors to read the lessons (except for the Gospel) and to offer the Prayers of the People. Good reading lets the congregation listen to God’s Word from the people sitting next to them in the pews. Old and young, male and female, we add our individual voices in this special kind of worship. We would welcome any members of the congregation to join us!
Memorial and Gifts
New Members
Oblations Bearers
Outreach – We have a unique calling. Christ calls us to create opportunities for compassion, faithful education and means us to be connected to others in the work of the gospel and in building strong cooperative relationships.
We participate by providing opportunities within our faith community, our local communities and the world.
Communications & Publicity – This is a key to making sure parishioners and the community at large know what is going on at St. Thomas’. If you would like to help call or stop by the office to find out what the most current needs are, whether it’s submitting press releases or updating our Facebook page, we are constantly working to make sure everyone has the most up -to-date information. Our current venues for communication include, but are not limited to: St. Thomas’ website, Facebook, Mailchimp, calendar events in local news papers and press releases.
R.I. Thomas Educational Fund
Sara Davenport Fund – The Sara Davenport Fund is the result of a generous bequest by a former member of our congregation. It provides financial assistance to those who are pursing goals in education that are congruent with St. Thomas’s mission. Over the past few years, we have used this fund to support our Sunday School for children; the voice training of a Choir member; and the Minister of Music’s participation in community events. We would very much appreciate new members of the committee who could help us to broaden the impact of this fund.
Sunday School