Altar Guild
Have you ever wondered who ensures that we have enough bread and wine for our Holy Eucharist on Sundays? Or who checks the candles so the acolytes can light them before the services? Well, there is a group of parishioners who quietly (“usually”) work before and after our services to “set the table”, wash and sometimes polish “the dishes” and wash and iron the linens. It sounds like doing the Lord’s “housework” and in a way it is.
At St. Thomas, there is a group of about twelve women and men who are known as the Altar Guild and we are scheduled to “work” about once a month for an hour on Friday to set the table and prepare the sanctuary for our Sunday celebration. We also help do the final set up and wash up after each service on Sunday morning.
For many of us, this is a quiet time with God—a time when we are often here alone in church with Him and we feel His presence and His hand guiding us.
If you would like to know more about St. Thomas’ Altar Guild or would like to join with us in this ministry, please contact one of us listed below. If you just want to help on an occasional basis or would like to be on a regular schedule, we would very much welcome your help.